Above: Dr. Bonnie Dobbs, Minister Lori Sigurdson, Dr. David Evans, Edson Mayor Kevin Zahara, and Sturgeon County Mayor Alanna Hnatiw announce two new pilot projects for affordable seniors transportation in rural Alberta.
by Morinville News Staff
The Sturgeon County and West Yellowhead regions will undertake pilot projects over the next year that will test ways to provide senior-friendly transportation for those who have chosen to stop driving, or can no longer do so for medical reasons.
“I have heard from seniors in rural communities that transportation is one of their main challenges in having an active, fulfilled life,” said Lori Sigurdson, Minister of Seniors and Housing. “Our government heard you. These pilot projects will help regions across rural Alberta keep seniors on the move, allowing them to remain healthy and connected to their communities.”
Dr. Bonnie M. Dobbs, director, Medically At-Risk Driver (MARD) Centre, University of Alberta made the announcement with Minister Lori Sigurdson Wednesday.
“Most seniors want to age in place, remaining in their own homes,” Dobbs said. “Yet, too often, traditional transportation services are not sufficient to allow for this independence. MARD is excited to be sharing the knowledge we have gained over the last 10 years with the Sturgeon and West Yellowhead regions as they develop and put in place regional forms of alternative transportation for seniors in their areas.”
MARD and the province believe the new pilot will help keep rural seniors connected to their community through better transportation options. Specific details on the projects will be released as the projects commence.