by Lucie Roy
Media were invited to join members of the town for a tour of the Morinville Community Recreation facility Wednesday morning.
Construction of the $24.3 million Morinville Community Recreation Facility began in the fall of 2017. Significant progress has been made on the construction of the facility.
The building footprint is 75,643 sq.ft with a second-floor area of 19,150 sg ft for a total floor area of 94,793 sq.ft.
There will be a total of 653 fixed seats in the facility.
The one-hour guided tour provided a quick overview and showed where things were beginning to take shape.
“The final product is on the outside now,” said Brad Reiter Superintendent of Clark Builders, who was also providing a tour of the building. Reiter mentioned the inside walls are finished and have a 4-inch insulated panel.
Pipes can be seen sticking up from the ground where the locker rooms will be and the wall facing west where future expansion is to be taken into consideration.
Areas taking shape and pointed out included the field house with bleachers from end to end with approx 250 seating, running track location, with board separations for indoor soccer, tennis, basketball and volleyball.

The concession will be located by the elevator and there will be an area with a wide open concept.
The program room will be surrounded by glass and feature a staircase. Fitness equipment will be housed on the second floor.
There is also an area for skate sharpening, retail, meeting room and children’s’ play space.
The allocation of space is to be finalized by the Town as the building takes shape.
On Tuesday evening, Council gave first reading to a borrowing bylaw of up to $22 million to fund the facility. See Morinville News later this week for details on that decision.