by Stephen Dafoe
For well over a half-century, Legal’s Fête au Village has offered residents and visitors to the community an excellent three-day festival with something for all members of the family.
This year’s festival, one of the longest-running in the province, is celebrating the 1970s as a theme but continues its practice of being all about community.
“Legal’s annual festival the Fete au Village is all about celebrating family, friends, community and home,” said Carol Trembley, Legal Mayor and Director of the Fête au Village Committee.
Trembley said the festival committee strives to organize multi-generational festivities that provide opportunities for family, friends, and visitors to connect.
“We welcome all to come out and create lasting memories in celebration of our community!” she said.
Friday night is designated as a Free Family Fun night, kicked off with the Kid’s Fun Parade starting at the church at 6:30 p.m.
In addition to plenty of balloon twisting and face painting opportunities, the evening will have a Talent Show at the Gazebo from 7:15 to 8 p.m., followed by a magic show at 8 p.m.

Saturday kicks off with the festival parade at 10:30 a.m., followed by a full day of activities, including a street hockey tournament, soap box races,a show ‘n’ shine, a family baseball tournament, food trucks and fireworks.
Sunday is a wrap for the festival with the crashing and banging of Legal’s popular demolition derby at 12:30 p.m. Cost of entry for the derby is $10 with kids 6 and under admitted for free.
Click on the poster below for full details on all events, times and costs.