by Lucie Roy
Best Garden Contest Winners were released Thursday morning by Chantal Godberson, Town of Morinville Cultural & Events Programmer.
Morinville’s Best Garden Competition judging took place Wednesday night by members of the Morinville Centennial Community Gardens Society (MCCGS).
In its 11th year, the contest had a total of eleven entries in four of the six categories, which included Unique Container, Entire Yard- Front to Back, Outdoor Living Area, Perennial Garden, Best Lawn and Kids Garden. There were no entries in the Perennial Garden and Best Lawn categories.
Judging is based on a point system with consideration for design, overall impression, visual impact, balance and cohesiveness, originality, is it creative, colourful and unique, variety of plant material and cleanliness.
First place prize in each category receives a Home Hardware Gift Card.
The winner in the Unique Container Category was Denise Chevalier.

The winner in the Entire yard Front to Back Esthetics was Donna Becker.
The winner in the Outdoor Living Area was June Amos.
The winner in the Kids Garden Category was Brynn Vollick.