Some of the residents of Legal have joined me in collecting supplies for the firefighters in BC. Many of the men and women on the front lines are from small volunteer fire units and do not have access to items like eye drops, throat lozenges, lip balm, etc. So we have been collecting and assembling comfort kits. These kits also help the men and women flown in from other locations. One of the most asked for items is socks. They get wet and are very uncomfortable. Also needed are power bars because the firefighters skip meals and work thru long shifts.
Once I assemble a bunch of supplies, a truck club WCP picks them up and transports them to the interior of BC at their own cost. They raise funds with little internal auctions and also contact corporate sponsors.
One example of their dedication to humanity occurred a couple of nights ago when a reserve near Telegraph Creek a remote town in northern BC had been fighting a fire but was almost out of money for gas for the fire truck. In a couple of hours, the club raised over $1400 which was enough to hold them thru the night. Unfortunately, they have since been evacuated so now in addition to toiletries we are collecting food.
The key people involved in coordinating everything are Tia and Jay Woolner of Edmonton, but I would like to give a big thank you to the residents of Legal who will be delivering a bunch of supplies to me today [Aug. 7].
Peg Johnson
Editor’s Note: Those wishing to assist can email Peg Johnson at