Town opens rock climbing wall in South Glens

by Lucie Roy

On Wednesday, the Town of Morinville Corporate Communications Coordinator, Felicity Bergman and Donald Fairweather, Operations Manager confirmed the climbing boulder in South Glens is open.

It is located in the Tellier District in South Glens at 84A Avenue and 97 Street.

Named, the Chief by the Vendor Rock Craft, the specs on the manufacturer’s website indicate it is a climbable structure “designed to be safe and accessible for both children and adults,” The manufacturer plate indicates 5 to 12+.

It is a 10-foot high climbing boulder, with 8 ft visible above ground and 2 feet covered in sand and placed on a cement pad. The structure weighs 7000 pounds.

The boulder includes a wide selection of holds for horizontal and vertical climbing, is smooth and contains no snags. The manufacturer says it can accommodate 22 climbers.

Town of Morinville worker Dustin Biddiscombe and crew members were working in the area on Wednesday.

Some landscaping still needs to take place and will be conducted in two phases.

Weather permitting, sod will be placed around the structure on Monday leaving an entryway for people to enter the boulder area.

Next year the entryway will be sod. This phased approach will speed up the opening of the boulder area so people can enjoy the boulder experience sooner.


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