by Morinville News Staff
Two months after Council approved a Sponsorship Committee to help secure the town’s goal of $6,185,000 in sponsorship money for Morinville’s new $30,500,000 rec centre project, the Town is extending the deadline for seeking appointees to the committee.
The committee will be made up of seven public members, up to three of whom may be Sturgeon County residents.
Interested parties now have until Aug. 17 at 4 p.m. to put their names forward by emailing or bringing their application to Town Hall.
Application packages and the committee’s terms of reference are available at the Town Office.
The Town says the committee members will be involved with a consultant in developing a sponsorship package for the project.
Committee members are paid a $50 per meeting honorarium.
Interviews for the one-year-commitment position will take place Aug. 28 with an initial committee meeting following in September.
Geordie Cheeseman