Places To Go: Legal Mural Walk

by Morinville News Staff

There is still a little bit of summer left before students are back in school. Holidays may be over for many, but there is still things to do closer to home.

Legal is not only known as the French Mural Capital of Canada, it has been recognized as the French Mural Capital of the World (per capita) since 2011.

There is a good reason for the two recognitions. The town, just north of Morinville on Highway 2 has more than 35 murals displayed in a park and elsewhere around town.

The project has been a longstanding collaboration between the Town of Legal and L’Association canadienne-française de l’Alberta régionale Centralta.

The murals represent the history of the community, its founding residents, and many other aspects of Alberta and Canadian history, including Louis Riel, Irish immigration and Lieutenant-General The Honourable Roméo Dallaire and his role in Rwanda between 1993 and 1994.

A map of the town’s murals can be found online at