Community Champions: Strongman Wallace off to World’s Strongest Man Masters

by Stephen Dafoe

Morinville resident Scott Wallace learned recently learned that he made the top 20 qualifiers for the World’s Strongest Man Masters taking place in Raleigh North Carolina Dec. 7 to 9.

Wallace, who was BC’s strongest man in 2016, and finished second in Alberta this summer, placed 17th out of 20 qualifiers who will compete.

“I had to submit three entry videos of three events – max deadlift, farmer’s Carry and log press for five reps,” Wallace explained of the qualifying process. “Everyone had to do the same three events with the kilogram weighted totals determining your placing.”

Wallace told Morinville News he did 680lbs/309kgs deadlift, 282.5lbs/128kg per hand farmer’s carry and 209lb/95kg log press.

The strongman competitor said the event is an annual event, and this year he felt ready as a masters competitor (40 plus years old)

“I knew it would tough as this is entries from the world and only [the] top 20 make it,” he said. “I ended up in 17th and was excited and felt great when I knew I was in! The masters is an open class of all competitors pro and amateur from around the world. There are past worlds strongest man winners and regular competitors of that in this competition as a master competitor. This [ strongman competion] is the biggest competition in the world every year and [to] be there is a huge accomplishment.”

In preparation for the December event, Wallace is actively training with lots of heavy lifts and other specific event training for the competition.

But lifting weights is not the only prep. Wallace is lifting the fork a lot, eating up to 6000 calories per day.

Wallace is perhaps most familiar to Morinville residents for having pulled the Morinville Fire Department’s truck on Canada Day.

You can follow Wallace on Facebook at BCs Strongest Man 2016 and @crusher2016 on Twitter.