Editor’s note: Scott Wallace is a Morinville resident that recently competed in Raleigh, North Carolina, coming in 15th in the world for his category.
Thanks so much for the updates while I was away.
So things didn’t go as planned but still managed 15th out of 30, so ultimately 15th in the world. Little frustrated but very motivated to get back and redeem myself.
I made a couple of mistakes on the bag toss and overhead press that cost me big points and kept me out of top ten. Started out great Friday night with a 10th place on the deadlift.
Missed the 725 pound lift that I really wanted to hit but still felt good.
Saturday started with the bag toss. I missed my third 45lb bag because I didn’t jump on my release and had to throw it twice, which cost me time and energy, which carried over to the 50lb bag. I wasn’t able to clear the height of 15ft. At this point frustration started to set in, I then missed on my keg press which really cost me. I made up some points on the wheelbarrow load medley but it wasn’t enough.

This was a great experience and I’ve done high-level heavy competitions in the past. This was the top for sure.
In reflection I am happy to be the 15th strongest 40 plus man in the world but I know I can do and be better and next year I will be!!!
Scott Wallace