Exceptional women sought for International Women’s Day event

Jan. 16, 2019

by Morinville News Staff

Residents have just under three weeks to nominate exceptional area women for some special recognition. For the past 23 years, the St. Albert Bahá’í community has sponsored an annual celebration of United Nations International Women’s Day by recognizing the contributions women make to society.

These contributions include generosity of spirit, courage, creativity, determination, steadfastness, leadership, enthusiasm, love, caring, and other attributes that enrich the communities in which they live. This year’s celebrations will take place in St. Albert on Mar. 9, but the deadline for nominations is Feb. 4.

The United Nations began observing International Women’s Day in 1975, during International Women’s Year, in recognition of the tradition of ordinary women struggling to participate equally in their societies.

The UN General Assembly passed a resolution in 1977 inviting each country to proclaim any day of the year as United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace. Canada chose March 8th.

Baha’i International Women’s Day Committee 2019 spokesperson Mitra Taef and the committee are hoping to see lots of nominations for their annual event.

“Women are often the unsung heroes in the background – working, mothering, volunteering, mentoring, supporting, and creating in all aspects of life,” Taef said. “For centuries, men have been more visible and lauded, and now as masculinity and femininity becomes more balanced, we take an opportunity to highlight the important contribution of women in our community.”

Nomination forms can be obtained by e-Mail: stalbertlsa@gmail.com or by calling May at 780-459-4060.

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