Jan. 23, 2019
by Morinville News Staff
The Town of Morinville and GFL, the Town’s solid waste, compost and recycling hauler, are holding an open house on the new recycling changes introduced earlier this month. The event will be held in Council Chambers at Town Hall on Tuesday, Jan. 29 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
“The purpose of the scheduled Information Session … is to inform and educate attendees regarding the recent changes surrounding the recycling markets and impact on municipalities and their residents,” said Morinville’s Director of Public Works. “There will be a short presentation from our service provider being Green for Life (GFL), including some specific items to visually look at in order to answer questions around various plastic grades, clamshell containers and other items that have contributed to several questions from the end users.”
Valcourt went on to say the joint presentation will be followed by a Q&A portion both to GFL and Town staff.
The Jan. 29 event will be filmed and posted online the following day.
Valcourt said he is hoping to see significant interest both through the event and online when the video is posted.
The Town of Morinville has an app on the Town website that is also available for Apple and Android. Links to all can be found at https://www.morinville.ca/services/waste-management.
Later this year, Roseridge will be holding an open house and Take-It-Or-Leave-It event.
Ours got tagged last week, so I went through and refilled with what is now allowed (and was very disappointed at what is now considered garbage). I was relieved that it went this week – I got it right! But using the Town’s resource doesn’t always help (this is just one example I entered):
It won’t let me put a picture. https://www.morinville.ca/services/waste-management