Province and St. Albert partnering to widen Ray Gibbon Drive

Above: L-R: St Albert-Spruce Grove MLA Trevor Horne, St Albert MLA Marie Renaud, Minister Brian Mason, St Albert Mayor Cathy Heron, Edmonton Meadowlark MLA Jon Carson.

by Morinville News Staff

St. Albert and the province will be sharing costs on widening Ray Gibbon Drive. Design will take place this year with construction beginning in 2020.

The Government of Alberta and City of St. Albert will split the $54.2-million project with each contributing $27.1 million.

More than 20,000 vehicles a day travel Ray Gibbon Drive, which connects St. Albert with Anthony Henday Drive, the Yellowhead highway and the City of Edmonton. As such, it is identified as one of the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board’s top five regional priorities.

“People need to be able to get where they want to go in a timely, efficient manner,” said Minister of Transportation Brian Mason in a media release Monday. “Widening Ray Gibbon Drive means our roads will be able to handle the growth of communities in St. Albert and the surrounding region. More people are moving here and more businesses are establishing themselves here. This project will help traffic move easier, while creating construction jobs.”

St. Albert Mayor Cathy Heron said she was delighted with the partnership. “This milestone marks an important step in enabling a regionally significant construction project to move forward that will create jobs, spur economic growth and improve both St. Albert’s and the region’s transportation network,” she said.

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