Council to discuss photo radar options May 14

speeding ticket changes coming from province

Photo enforcement is on the table for discussion at Council’s May 14 regular meeting after a discussion at the Mar. 19 committee of the whole meeting. – Morinville News File Photo

by Colin Smith

Morinville’s Automated Traffic Enforcement, aka photo radar, program came up for discussion once again at Town Council’s March 19 Committee of the Whole meeting.

Several Automated Traffic Enforcement (ATE) options were presented to councillors to discuss at the meeting as per a motion last November.

On November 27, Council passed a motion 6-1 by Councillor Nicole Boutestein directing Administration to negotiate a contract extension with current ATE contractor Global Traffic for up to one additional year, as the contract was due to expire April 21.

Council also directed Administration to bring forward alternatives that might include internal and external options for ATE service delivery.

Morinville and Global Traffic subsequently agreed on a one-year extension of the agreement, with a 30-day notification of cancellation required by either party. The ATE program operates 25 hours per week, with RCMP oversight of the program. Under the contract, ATE Services could be expanded to include road intersection monitoring.

Continuing to operate with the existing contract was one of the ATE policy options presented to councillors. Others included ending the ATE program without replacement; looking an in-house or regional program; and replacing ATE with officer-based enforcement.

The policy was referred to the May 14 regular meeting of Council.

According to Mayor Barry Turner, information based on continuing the current ATE contract will be considered, as well that related to an in-house or regional program.

“The information gathered will explore what operating an in-house program may look like, and explore the possibility of working with other municipalities to operate the program,” he said.

“Council will consider the information presented at that time and make a more informed decision at that point regarding what ATE may look like going forward.”

2018 Automatic Traffic Enforcement statistics

Automated traffic enforcement tickets issued: 1870

Average speed captured: 15.52 kilometres over the speed limit

Maximum speed recorded and violation ticket issued: 197 km/h in a 50-km/h zone

Average fine amount: $135.33

Court appearances: 22

Tickets quashed or withdrawn: 68

Tickets receiving reduced fines from the prosecutor: 3

Incidents of people approaching the enforcement vehicle: 12

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      • Eric. The answer is yes. When you create speed zones that have no reference to safety or sensibility, you are simply creating a trap and using the law to protect you. Just saying…

    • There will not be more money for local shops. Revenue lost would be made up by increased taxation. The town needs X to run the town and services and will get the money from somewhere

      • So Joe, what you say then is that photo radar is nothing more than a tax. It would be interesting to find out how much of the money generated over the last years actually went into town coffers and how much was given to the photo radar operating service. Maybe the town needs to look at how they spend the x that they “need” to run the town. Just saying…

        • It at one time was directed to pay off the loan on the CCC which is now paid for.

  1. Get rid of it, it’s a cash grab anyways. Use the money you are wasting on those private contractors and put it towards getting more local police patrolling instead.

    That would be much more benefit considering the amount of break in and thefts around town

    • The town wasn’t paying the contractor. Contractors get their moneys from violators.

  2. Perhaps if people paid more attention to their speedometer rather than the scenery, their busy life, or their cell phones there would be less speeding. I see nothing wrong with ticketing people who are not paying attention. The town should also put in red light cameras. Easy money for the town. Combine the two and the new arena would be paid for in no time or at least the yearly operation of it.

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