by Stephen Dafoe
The Morinville and District Chamber of Commerce is partnering with the St. Albert Chamber to hold an All-Candidate’ forum on Tuesday, April 9 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Cardiff Hall (55320 Range Road 251, Sturgeon County).
“I think it’s important that our municipalities know who’s running or who they can choose to represent [them],” said Morinville and District Chamber of Commerce President Shaun Thompson.
Although Alberta Chambers do a lot of advocacy work provincially, Thompson said the forum is a non-partisan event.
“We do not want to have a vision on who you should go with,” he said. “We just want to make sure everyone is doing their research and has the opportunity to ask the questions that are near and dear to their heart and feel will impact them for the next four years.”

The forum format is similar to past election forums. The moderator will allow opening statements from the candidates, questions from the moderator and written questions from the floor, and closing opportunities.
There are four candidates running in the Morinville-St. Albert constituency. They are Dale Nally (UCP), Neil Korotash (Alberta Party), Natalie Birnie (NDP) and Cass Romyn (Green).
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.