Town reveals fitness area of Morinville Leisure Centre

Above: 3D rendering of second-floor fitness area at the Morinville Leisure Centre.

by Morinville News Staff

The Town of Morinville announced Wednesday by way of a social media post just what the new $30.5-million Morinville Leisure Centre project’s fitness area will look like.

The Facebook post included a video of a 3D visual walk-through of the fitness area that will be located on the facility’s second floor.

Town communications staff say the space would “feature modern equipment including cardio, low impact and free weights to offer the best health/fitness experience for facility users.”

Previous iterations of the layout had called for using the second-floor room for programming and spreading the fitness equipment around the facility; however, the Town changed course to put the fitness gear into the second-floor room to better ensure the safety of our users.

Part of the facility is a walking/running track around the field house component. The Town social media post indicates there is still a plan to include some spontaneous use equipment on the main floor near the track.

Wednesday’s video look at the facility was not the only news shared by the Town of Morinville.

Grant funding has allowed the Town to expand its offerings in the fitness area of the facility.

“The Town of Morinville was the recipient of a $25,000 grant from New Horizons for Seniors Programs,” said Sharleen Edwards, Manager of Community Services.

“We are excited to use this funding for three pieces of versatile SCIFIT equipment that provides opportunities for individuals of all ages to get active and stay active. This equipment is easy to use and features simple, familiar movements such as walking, pedaling, pushing and pulling. This equipment will be a great addition to the Morinville Leisure Centre.”

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