Morinville participates in Hats On! For Mental Health Day

Ecole Notre Dame Elementary School.

by Lucie Roy

Morinville Learning Centre, Ecole Georges H. Primeau, Ecole Notre Dame Elementary School, Morinville Community High School, Morinville Public School and residents wore hats on Wednesday for Hats On! For Mental Health day.

In the schools, teachers, staff and students were encouraged to wear a hat today to raise awareness of the importance of positive mental health.

More info is available at, a website sponsored by the Alberta Teachers’ Association and the Canadian Mental Health Association to promote the mental health of children and youth.

Morinville Learning Centre.

Ecole Georges H. Primeau Middle School- Dawn McCumber & Judy Matyjanka.

Morinville Community High School-Frederick Bouchard

Morinville Community High School-Principal Don Hinks, Logan Johnson, Logan House, Cole Rivard and Vice-Principal Wade Michael.

Karen and Dennis McCammon.

Morinville Public School.

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