Book Bites – Monaville Lisa Adult Painting Classes

video by Stephen Dafoe

Monaville Lisa, a play on Morinville and one of Leonardo Da Vinci’s most famed work, is an Adult Painting Class hosted by the Morinville Community Library. The program takes place three Monday evenings per month at the library and is a chance for those interested in art to try their hand at it.

Morinville Community Library Assitant Manager Cheryl Pasechnik said the Library has been hosting the classes for the past two years and that they are instructed by Morinville resident and master painter Nadji Matta.

“It’s been an awesome, fun time,” Pasechnik said of the program. “I’ve learnt a tonne and I’m continuing on in learning watercolours and such.”

The program runs on Monday evenings, three times per month. Each class consists of three sessions, and would-be artists paint something different with each three-session class.

“These past two sessions, we’ve been learning how to be more free and interpretive, and more just letting the paint go on the canvas,” Pasechnik said, adding it is about just enjoying what the students are doing. “It’s a lot of fun. You get to learn about colours and how to make colours.”

Cost for the three-session class is $75 and includes, canvas, paint, instruction and the use of the instructor’s brushes.

For more information, contact the Morinville Community Library at 780-939-3292 or drop by the circulation desk.