Sturgeon County grants CFB Edmonton $300,000 for recreation programs

by Morinville News Staff

Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Edmonton is the recipient of a $300,000 grant from Sturgeon County, monies that will now give Sturgeon County residents access to recreational amenities and programs at a preferred rate.

County Council previously decided last summer to end an agreement with the City of Edmonton that provided regional transit service between the base and the Eaux Claires Transit Centre in North Edmonton due to lack of demand. Those monies were reallocated to the 2020 base budget toward recreation.

Earlier in 2019, Sturgeon County provided Morinville $500,000 towards Morinville’s $32.5 million Morinville Leisure Centre project and currently provides $247,475 in cost-sharing to Morinville annually, as well as cost-sharing grants to the other municipalities in Sturgeon. The County contributes a total of $642,700 to the five municipalities.

The $300,000 grant to CFB Edmonton gives County residents preferred rates at the Garrison Fitness Centre.

The Edmonton Garrison Fitness Centre has variety of facilities and a wide range of programs, including swimming lessons, martial arts, yoga, Zumba, culinary arts, skating, dance lessons, and other programs.

Sturgeon County residents can register online at


  1. I just want to know why the angry reacts. It’s obviously someone who has never been to the facility and utilized it. So instead of throwing $300,000 away on a transit program that was never really used, they have instead allocated to the garrison to offer preferred rates to county residents. They have a wide breadth of programs for both young and old and I encourage any who haven’t tried them out, to give them a shot.

    • Kevin Harling
      It is a wonderful facility and I applaud Sturgeon County for supporting rec needs, but it doesn’t necessarily meet their residents’ needs. Rate payers who live on the east side of the county aren’t likely to find the facility particularly accessible.

  2. It’s a wonderful thing to see the communities and bases working together. Growing up an “army” kid but not living in bases I had lots of friends think they weren’t “allowed” to use base things like the pool. This supports the community and let’s them know all are welcome

  3. Fully support the reallocation of dollars to the community services programs – It would be interesting to know what the “catchment” stats (i.e. population within the area) are to support $300K to one entity versus the current allocations to other towns in the Sturgeon region and how these dollars allocated relate to the regional master plan for recreation based services throughout the County.

    • itll be much larger considering the catchment for the bus wasn’t even in the county. Workers from Edmonton to would go to the base. This is a much better idea.

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