Morinville Marvelous Moms receive $9370 from Fill A House Campaign

– Jandel Homes Photo

by Morinville News Staff

The Morinville Marvelous Moms are the recipients of $9370 in cash, 306 toys and 517 food items following the conclusion of Jandel Homes 6th annual Fill A House campaign. All donations and money raised are provided to families in need within the Morinville and Sturgeon County areas.

Jandel launched the Fill a House Christmas Campaign in 2014 and have generated more than 4,361 toy donations, 8,592 food items and raised more than $91,970 in monetary contributions.

“It’s great to see our business partners, the Town of Morinville and our residents in Meadows of Morinville all come together and rally behind Fill A House.” said Courtney Iverson, Corporate Services Manager with Jandel Homes in a release. “In times like these past few years where the economy has been tough on many families, we are grateful that we’re able to be a part of such a wonderful cause.”

Meadows of Morinville, one of Jandel Homes communities, hosted a Cocktail Reception and Silent Auction on Dec. 5 to raise funds for the campaign. Sixty people attended the event.

The Morinville Marvelous Moms’ and their volunteers will be wrapping up gifts and delivering hampers to local families this weekend.

“Every Christmas season, the Morinville Marvelous Moms adopt as many families as we can that would usually go without to supply them with all kinds of things – food, toys and toiletries,” said Sarah Hall, Organizer of the Morinville Marvelous Moms’ Adopt A Family Program. “[It] is the relief of knowing that you have a community that supports you and that there will always be people there that love you enough to pay attention and help you out.”