St. Albert RCMP arrest suspect for theft from vehicle

by Morinville News Staff

A security company alerted St. Albert RCMP to a suspicious male trying to open vehicle’ doors and crawling under vehicles at 190 Carleton Drive on Friday night. The incident occurred around 1:30 a.m.

While on route, police were updated by the security company that the male was departing the area and getting into an escape vehicle.

The suspect vehicle was located and the occupants of the vehicle were arrested.

Police say a vehicle search located several tools commonly used in catalytic converter thefts, including reciprocating saws (sawsalls) with multiple blades, headlamp, and grabbing tools.

A small quantity of drugs was also located in the vehicle.

Thirty-one-year-old Skyler Morneau of Fort Saskatchewan was charged with possession of break-in instruments, drug possession, and mischief. He also had an outstanding warrant for fraud-related offences.

A bail hearing was held and Skyler Morneau was released to attend court on Feb. 3, 2020 in St. Albert.

St. Albert RCMP say property Crime and crime reduction remains a priority for the detachment and residents are reminded to follow the #9PM Routine and lock up their homes and vehicles,as many property crimes can be avoided with proper precautions.