Corporate restructuring at Sturgeon County removes nine

by Morinville News Staff

Sturgeon County Chief Administrative Officer Reegan McCullough announced last Thursday that the County would undergo several staffing changes. The County says the changes will”provide quality, cost-effective services, and infrastructure to meet the diverse needs of Sturgeon County.”

The staff changes which affect nine positions stem from the completion of several reviews in 2019, including the MNP Operational Review; Assessment Services; Organizational Performance; Business Needs Assessment.

The County says it also faces changes from the provincial budget, including reduced funding from the Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI); increased costs for policing services; potential changes to Machinery & Equipment (M&E) assessment; and the new provisions of Bill 7 & Bill 29 to incent investment.

Infrastructure, transportation and community services will now be under one division with Scott MacDougall as the Chief Operations Officer (COO).

The County sees the organizational changes as ones that will now help the County by “getting on the right foundation to build an organization, culture, and direction that is sustainable in the future.

McCullough said the restructuring is an important step to align the organization for growth while maintaining the County’s core services

“Changes were made in a number of areas, including Financial & Strategic Services, Communications, Assessment, Engineering, Infrastructure, Development Support Services, and the Office of the CAO,” McCullough said. “The Leadership Team is refining the organizational structure moving forward, and these decisions will be communicated publicly once they have been shared with staff.”


  1. Re the wage increase the county council gave themselves, am I correct in understanding it was somewhere in the neighborhood of 36%? Also, they fired the previous CAO in January of 2018, I believe, and when it was all said and done I believe the payout and settlement to the guy was in the neighborhood of $600,000 to $700,000. – I wonder how much they are going to have to pay these 9 people, who will probably end up being replaced anyway.??

    • I believe you may be mixed up between Sturgeon County and Town of Morinville.

      • Philowens1, in my paragraph I referred to Sturgeon County Council (county council) giving themselves an approximate 36% increase sometime last fall and asking if anyone can confirm that number, plus or minus.

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