Canadian Taxpayers Federation calling on the province to fight unfair equalization program

by Morinville News Staff

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation delivered more than 16,000 Albertan petition signatures calling on the UCP to do everything in its power to fight the unfair equalization program.

MLA Matt Jones received the CTF’s petition signatures on behalf of the Alberta government.

“Alberta has been by far the biggest contributing province to Canada in recent decades, and a huge engine for jobs and economic growth,” Jones said. “We aren’t asking for a special deal. We’re just asking for a fair deal. And our government will do everything within our power to get it.”

CTF’s call for action is based on the United Conservatives’ election platform promise to hold a referendum on removing equalization from the Constitution Act if substantial progress was not made on construction of a coastal pipeline, and if Bill C-69 was not repealed.

“Alberta taxpayers are tired of being the cash cow for politicians in other provinces who want to roadblock our development,” said Alberta Director for the CTF Franco Terrazzano. “We’re calling on Premier Jason Kenney and the United Conservatives to do everything in their power to stand up for Albertans and take on the unfair equalization program.”


  1. But Kenney came up with the formula… Why aren’t they taking this up with the guy who literally was at the helm of this? Oh that’s right… Let’s rile up the base with more drivel. People should maybe look into the CTPF and what their interests are.

    Hint: They don’t give a rat’s ass about you or your taxes.

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