Morinville C.O.P. holds Annual General Meeting

Above: Morinville Citizens on Patrol members assembled Monday night for the Association’s annual general meeting. – submitted photo

submitted by Morinville Citizens on Patrol

The Morinville Citizens on Patrol held the Association’s Annual General Meeting Monday,
Feb. 10 at Higher Grounds.

The community watch organization operates patrols in Morinville and Cardiff to act as extra eyes and ears for the Morinville RCMP.

The Association’s executive will serve for another year. Elisabeth Melvin continues as Association president and is assisted by Marcy Nolin as Vice President, and Kimberly Wood as secretary/treasurer.

All three positions were acclaimed.

The annual meeting outlined Association initiatives for the remainder of 2020 and beyond.
With under a dozen active members, the Association will continue to work to recruit new members as one of its driving initiatives for 2020.

Prospective members must be 18 years of age or older, pass an RCMP background check, and undertake three probationary patrols with members. After that, the minimum requirement is one one-hour patrol per month as well as attending the bi-monthly Team Meetings.

The Association will hold a community information night on May 5. at 7 p.m. at Higher Grounds to let residents know what Morinville C.O.P. s all about..

Another significant project for this year is a complete update of the Association’s Bylaws.

“I’m excited to begin work on revising our bylaws to position the Association to be effective for many years to come,” President Elisabeth Melvin said, noting the Bylaw review is a modernization of the work done by past members. “Bylaws are the foundation of any organization and this review will set Morinville C.O.P. up for future growth and success.”

Morinville C.O.P. will also be working with the Town of Morinville during Youth Week to get ideas from young people on their ideas to reduce crime and vandalism in the community.

The Association will also be more active in its communication with the public.

Morinville C.O.P. recently started a Facebook page to keep residents up to date on Association as well as crime-related information. That page can is online at

For more information, contact or visit their website


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