We are finally hearing numbers of people who have recovered.
This is hopefully giving cautious hope to many.
I am interested in the numbers that are stated as “community contact” versus travel related. As this pandemic did not originate in North America, at some point they are all travel related.
I would like to see the media pressing questions as to the analysis of decisions made.
Especially the new cases.
Can sickness, and deaths, be traced to decisions to return Canadians? Are any traced to the people who were flown to the military base in Ontario and then released?
Were people passed through airline and airport screenings who then proved to be sources, after it was clear, especially in Italy, that the pandemic was escalating?
Families, and the governments, are making decisions in uncharted, emotional times.

We will face this again in the future.
I would like assurances that there are analysis structures in place to improve the decision making processes for the future.
On the economic front as well.
Alan Otway
Editor’s note: Readers are “finally” hearing about the number of people recovered because those numbers are “finally” being included in the daily update from the Chief Medical Officer of Health. As the CMO indicated, previously there was no administrative process in place to determine accurately who had recovered. With that process in place, we are now being given daily updates on recovery numbers.