Town provides update on facility closures event cancellation and status of garage sales

by Morinville News Staff

The Town of Morinville announced Monday that as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, Morinville Council and Administration remain committed to the safety of residents and staff, as well as, supporting the community as best as possible.

At its Apr. 14 meeting, Council moved to extend the closure date to June 30 for the Town Office, Morinville Leisure Centre, and Morinville Community Cultural Centre, as well as outdoor baseball/softball diamonds, soccer fields to organized sports. Additionally, the Bob Foster Skate Park and Splash Park are closed to public access.

The Morinville Community Gardens is closed to public access; however, residents renting plots from the Community Gardens may use the gardens. Morinville will also not be doing its Incredible Edibles program this year.

“The incredible edibles program will not be taking place this year as we have been advised that no public picking is allowed,” said Town of Morinville’s Senior Strategist, Communications and Marketing Tracy Dalzell-Heise in response to a Morinville News question. “The Community Garden is only accessible [by] members and will have restricted access as it will be completely fenced in. Currently, there is not restrictions for private plots for rent.”

The Town is also cancelling events and programs up to and including July 1, including but not limited to the Town-wide garage sale, National Indigenous Peoples Day, Morinville Festival Days, and Canada Day. The Town says it is currently investigating potential virtual Canada Day celebration activities.

“We know this announcement that Morinville’s summer festivals and events will not take place this year is hard news for our community,” said Mayor Barry Turner in a media release Monday. “These decisions, like all related to this pandemic, were not made lightly. We know these events mean a lot to the community.”


Community garage and yard sales are not permitted in Morinville until the public health orders are relaxed or cancelled.

The Town says the decision was made because garage sales encourage mass gatherings and physical closeness, and to ensure the safety of patrons, as sanitizer use and disinfecting protocols cannot be easily monitored. Additional reasons include the use of cash, the fact garage sale attendees often go from sale to sale and community to community, and a garage may not allow for appropriate physical distancing. The Town also cites the fact garage sale items are mainly used, previously handled and don’t have exterior wrapping or protective coverings.

The Town offers online sales through Facebook Marketplace, Kijiji or e-Bay with online payment and curbside pickup as acceptable options.

For more information on COVID-19, please visit #morinville #ourcommunity


  1. Just wondering if the community library in each town could not be upgraded to “essential service” for many folks relaxation in times of stress. Physical distancing could be provided, planned attendance to collect a book could be done through email appointment, etc.
    Your thoughts on this?

  2. It is my opinion that each town local library be upgraded to essential service. Many, many people read books and now the only ones available are electronic. I suspect some people are still working at each library so as to be able to hand out books ordered and delivered from another library to a local library for pickup? Appointment for book pickup could be by email, phone…

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