Alberta to move to Stage 2 of Relaunch Friday

by Morinville News Staff

Less than a month after launching Stage 1 of Alberta’s relaunch strategy, Premier Jason Kenney has announced the province will launch Stage 2 on Friday, June 12.

“Albertans should be very proud of their response to the COVID-19 pandemic,” Kenney said, adding that the economy will take some time to recover.

The Premier said the government needed to see three benchmarks before moving forward: COVID-19-related hospitalization needed to decrease or have no more than a 5% increase over two weeks. The number of occupied ICU beds needed to be on the decrease. Active cases also needed to be on the downswing.

To that end, Kenney said hospitalizations had been down consistently over the past two weeks. As of yesterday, there were 355 active cases, down from the 1000 cases at the Stage 1 relaunch on May 14. ICU numbers sit at 12% of the province’s 50-bed capacity.

“We’re containing the virus as best as possible,” Kenney said, before outlining the things that could reopen as of Friday.

On the list of options for Albertans as of Friday are:

• K-12 schools diploma exams and summer school
• Libraries
• More surgeries will be scheduled
• Community Halls
• Team Sports
• Wellness and Personal Services
• Movies and Live Theatres
• Indoor Rec Fitness & Sports Facilities
• Instrumental Concerts
• Casinos & Bingo Halls
• VLTs in Restaurants & Lounges
• Outdoor and Indoor Seated Events (maximum 100)
• Places of Worship for Service Only – no cap if physical distancing and barriers applied
• Indoor social events (maximum 50)

Regular COVID-19 precautions will apply.

The Town of Morinville has a COVID-19 update on its facilities scheduled for the June 9 meeting.

Morinville News will provide additional details when available.


There is also more flexibility for ‘cohort’ groups – small groups of people whose members do not always keep two metres apart:

A household can increase its close interactions with other households to a maximum of 15 people

Performers can have a cohort of up to 50 people (cast members or performers)

Sports teams can play in region-only cohorts of up to 50 players (mini-leagues)

People could be part of a sports/performing and household cohort

Albertans are encouraged to follow public health guidelines and notify others in the cohort(s) if they have symptoms or test positive for COVID-19. If they do test positive or have symptoms, mandatory isolation is required.

The 50 per cent capacity limit for provincial campgrounds is also being lifted. Over the coming days, the online reservation system will be updated and sites will come online in phases. By July 1, all camping sites will be open for reservations. First-come, first-served sites may open sooner. Information on additional sites will be added to when they become available.


  1. Look how well that’s playing out south of the border. This government continues to make horrible decisions. Guess that’s why 56% of the province want a new premier.

    This party is a joke. Continuing to support these clowns is an even bigger one.

    • I believe we are the last province in the West to move to Phase 2. I understand your hate for this government but please don’t spread divisive vitriol just for the sake of spreading it. Leave that to those south of the border.

    • Mike Nippard – the information is right in the article.

      “The 50 per cent capacity limit for provincial campgrounds is also being lifted. Over the coming days, the online reservation system will be updated and sites will come online in phases. By July 1, all camping sites will be open for reservations. First-come, first-served sites may open sooner. Information on additional sites will be added to when they become available.”

  2. When our PM is out in massive crowds to join a protest it’s time to open shop back up. Let’s get people back to work rather than borrowing more money.

    • Dustan McLean its hypricital of him. Hell, at least open the house of commons back up before immersing yourself in groups that are larger. Is that a closer comparison for you?

    • Dustan McLean its hypocritical of him. After months of telling us to stay home, completely ignoring health officials and rules in ontario about mass gatherings even to the point of shaking hands with other protestors…what a joke. How can anyone take what this “leader” has to say seriously when he cant even lead by example. Time to go back to work so hopefully only my kids have to pay for this mess and not grandkids.

  3. Should have opened things up about 2 months ago when we discovered COVID was only dangerous to a select group….should have kept the isolated and let the rest of us carry on with life!

    • It’s funny how fear that has been created by the WHO and Media has made people so deaf , that even now that more and more real medical professionals and scientists are letting the truth be known people are still too scared to live ….. perfect example of Stockholm Syndrome

    • I would have no problem …. you know what I never once wore a mask or gloves, never washed my hands anymore than I did before this so called pandemic, never washed down anything I bought, and I smoked and drank coffee from my travel mug when I returned to my car and you know what else. I never got sick, I have a healthy natural immune system that I allow to do it’s work, the way it was meant to.

    • Allison Wanderland Healthy people are not the reason we are in this mess …. I have not got sick …. if it was because of people like me … common sense states I would be a sickly person …. and I am not…. and before you throw blame my way…. remember I am responsible …. if I am sick I stay home …. so before throwing blame … get your head out of the sand

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