Letter: Legion President on this year’s Remembrance Day

Good Day Town Of Morinville
There has been some confusion over the service for Remembrance Day, the Legion will be laying six wreaths with dignitaries and media present, please respect the social gathering limitations we face within our “watch” community.  Please do not come to the Legion if you feel unwell, if you are awaiting results from a COVID test.  We are live streaming the event, you can watch it through the Legion’s facebook page or Remember in your own special way.
I, too, as Branch President and a Serving Member of the Armed Forces, have been told to “Stand Down” and not attend the service.  It is remembering the  Fallen, remembering those that served, remembering those that serve, that matters the most.
You can attend the Legion after 12 to place your poppy at the Cenotaph if you wish, please respect those that may be laying wreaths and social distancing guidelines.
Be safe, be healthy and next year we will be able to celebrate together.
In Comradeship
Kelvin Kuzyk
Morinville Legion Branch 176