by Stephen Dafoe
The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) has launched its Fight Equalization campaign to oppose equalization in the provincial referendum, scheduled for Oct. 18, 2021. Premier Jason Kenney has promised a referendum as part of the fall municipal elections following recommendations from his Fair Deal Panel.
“Prime Minister Justin Trudeau isn’t going to hand Alberta a fair deal on a silver platter,” said CTF Alberta Director Franco Terrazzano in a media release Wednesday. “Albertans will need to fight for a fair deal and the equalization referendum is a crucial part of our fight for fairness.”
CTF is looking to win the referendum through its Fight Equalization campaign as “a clear majority on a clear question would push the federal government and provinces to the constitutional negotiating table.”
Under the equalization system, have not provinces receive funding from the federal government. This funding comes from income taxes sent to Ottawa. Since 1961, the CTF says, Alberta taxpayers have paid $600 billion more to the federal government than the province has received back from Ottawa.

“Alberta taxpayers are tired of being treated as the cash cow for the rest of Canada and that’s why we are leading the campaign to win the equalization referendum and get a fair deal,” Terrazzano said. “The equalization referendum is our chance to tell Trudeau that the status quo must change.”
The Fight Equalization campaign website is located at http://link.mediaoutreach.meltwater.com.
What a load of garbage! An absolute waste of taxpayers money!