Vaccines available to another 650,000 Albertans

COVID-19 restrictions

The Government of Alberta announced Thursday that it was opening Phases 2C and 2D of vaccine eligibility effective Apr. 30, making the vaccine available to another 650,000 Albertans, including all Albertans 50 and older, and all First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) persons aged 35 and older.

“By opening up the rest of Phase 2C, as well as Phase 2D, we are now able to offer vaccines to another half a million Albertans,” said Premier Jason Kenney in a media release Thursday morning “Every day, we are protecting more vulnerable Albertans. Soon, we will be able to go on to protect all adult Albertans in Phase 3, as long as we receive the vaccine supply we’ve been promised. We will continue to work to give a vaccine to all Albertans who want one.”

Below is a government list of those who can book through pharmacies and AHS clinics effective Apr. 30.

  • Staff and residents who provide care or support to Albertans in facilities previously not offered immunization, including front-line disability workers and workers in group homes, mental health or addiction treatment, children and youth group care, and campus-based care like secure services and other types of licensed supportive living.
  • Caregivers of Albertans who are most at risk of severe outcomes, including:
    • Designated family support people of those individuals in long-term care, designated supportive living and licensed supportive living facilities.
    • Household contacts and caregivers to those who have profoundly immunocompromised conditions.
    • Parents or guardians of children under 12 who have an eligible chronic condition (Phase 2B) but are unable to receive vaccine due to age.
  • Front-line policing and provincial sheriffs who interact with residents at shelters, correctional facilities and remand centres, Canadian Border Security Agency staff and firefighters.
  • Albertans between the ages of 50 and 64.
  • First Nations, Métis and Inuit between the ages of 35 and 49.

Proof of immunization eligibility is required for staff of eligible facilities and designated support persons.

  • For staff of congregate facilities, proof of employment (such as a letter from their employer).
  • For designated family support persons, a letter from the congregate living facility (e.g., group home, specialty schools, etc.) is required.
  • An honour system approach will be used for household contacts of profoundly immunocompromised individuals and children under 12 with high-risk medical conditions.

The Government of Alberta expects to announce Phase 3 in the coming weeks pending vaccine supply.