Editorial & Opinion

Letter: GSACRD should rename Grandin school Chief Dale McFee School

Edmonton Police Chief Dale McFee is a very positive role model. The Bishop Grandin School names are being removed by the Calgary, Edmonton, and St. Albert Catholic School Districts because of the late Bishop’s racism and participation in the terrible residential school scandal. […]


Olivia and Noah top baby names in 2020

Among the 49,030 babies born in the province in 2020, Olivia was the most popular name among the 23,870 girls, and Noah was the most popular among the 25,160 boys born during the pandemic. […]

Notices and PSAs

Public Notice: Morinville Implements Water Restrictions

Effective Immediately, Morinville and surrounding municipalities are entering into “Water Demand Measures B” in an effort to lessen non-essential water usage. The restriction is a precaution to keep water in our reservoirs at acceptable levels to ensure we can maintain water for critical activities such as firefighting, drinking, and cooking. […]