Four Winds Principal Requa recipient of Distinguished Leadership Award

Four Winds Public School Principal Daniel Requa is a 2020-2021 recipient of the Distinguished Leadership Award presented by the Council for School Leadership (CSL) of the Alberta Teachers’ Association.

The awards create a learning community of outstanding Alberta principals and vice-principals who are able to share professionally, interact collegially, and act as mentors to new colleagues. This group is seen as a place where people can share best practices, challenge the status quo, improve learning in their communities, and be readied for higher levels of leadership.

“We are witness to Dan’s strong leadership inspiring students and staff every day at Four Winds Public School,” says Ms. Mary Lynne R. Campbell, Superintendent/CEO in a media release Wednesday. “We are thankful his innovative thinking and collaborative way of leading is a big part of our school community. Congratulations Dan on this well-deserved award.”

Individuals who have received the award are considered role models with the confidence and capabilities to lead innovative change for 21st-century learning. The Division said the Council for School Leadership selection committee named Mr. Requa as a deserving school leader for this honour out of many nominations.

1 Comment

  1. Congratulations to Dan! No one who knows him would question this prestigious award!

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