Morinville Council Briefs

by Colin Smith

Volunteer grants should continue

The Town of Morinville should continue to provide volunteer groups with $200 grants to use to recognize their volunteers, according to a recommendation from the Community Services Advisory Committee presented in a report to the August 24 regular meeting of council. The committee also recommended the hosting of bi-annual workshops providing networking and learning opportunities, with administration to develop more detailed plans. Council accepted the report as information without discussion.

Town to receive $1.1 million in federal gas tax

Morinville will be receiving $I,158,358 from the federal government through the 2021 Gas Tax Fund (GTF) allocation. This includes $566,002 as a result of a one-time funding top-up. The money is part of the $499 million in GTF funding announced in March that Alberta will receive this year, which includes a one-time payment of $244 million. The additional funding is intended to help municipalities and Metis Settlements address local infrastructure needs.

Council approves reserve policy

With council approval of a new reserve policy, a land-specific financial reserve has been added to the town array of other operating and capital funds. The reserve is intended to deal with the current or future land sale or purchase requirements. Other capital reserves are General Capital Projects, Transportation Projects, Parks, Recreation & Culture, Safety Initiative, Fleet & Equipment Replacement, and reserves for utility capital projects and off-site levies. Operating reserves are Tax Stabilization, Utility Stabilization, Snow Removal and Facility Infrastructure.

Morinville applies for federal grant

Morinville has applied for a Canada Community Revitalization Fund grant. Sturgeon County has shown its support for the application with a letter from Mayor Alanna Hnatiw to Western Economic Diversification, the granting agency. “As Morinville is located within Sturgeon County, we are in full support of the application that not only aligns with their parks, recreation, culture and trails master plan, but also benefits our residents by offering additional nearby amenities and increased visitation,” Hnatiw wrote. At the council meeting, Councillor Sarah Hall expressed her appreciation for the county’s support.

Closed session items

Four matters were on council’s agenda to be dealt with in closed session at its August 24 meeting, in line with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. These were a broadband update, land matter update, regional economic development opportunity and a personnel matter.