Letter from the Legion President

Bill 15

Good Day Residents of Morinville,

Saturday, September 11, 2021 marks the 20 Anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Centre. I have taken some time to reflect on my feelings of the happenings in Afghanistan along with my 34 years of service as a Combat Veteran serving in all 3 Battalions.  (PPCLI)

September 11, 2001, I remember like it was yesterday, I was sitting in my office in 2 PPCLI when I heard the news of the falling of the World Trade Centre.  January 11, 2002, I was among the first group of Veterans to land in Afghanistan with the 2nd Battalion.  The state of Afghanistan was in complete turmoil with the Taliban in leadership.  I returned to Canada in July 2002, never the same, my wounds are deep and I struggle daily.  I count on my friends and my family to get me through the dark days, and the darker upcoming days.

As a member of the CAF, the Legion President, and a Veteran, I pray for those that remain in Afghanistan to return safely.

I have been asked my feelings by my family and close friends if I felt my service to the Afghani people was in vain.  The CAF greatly served the people of Afghanistan as peacekeepers and to assist the Allied Forces, Canada’s role in any country is to assist in Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Action.  So my answer is simple, I do not feel that my service was in vain, I feel that as a military contingent we did exactly as we were instructed to do.  The People of Afghanistan had peace and social justice to which they never had.  They experienced something we take for granted every day, PEACE, Civil Rights and Justice, because of people like myself, my brothers and sisters in arms, they had that Peace for almost 2 decades. I am proud that the efforts gave the Afghani people great pride, peace and most of all FREEDOM.

I know many of my brothers and sisters in arms along with their [families] are struggling with the recent events of Afghanistan.

Please do not take this on yourself, please reach out to someone.

I can be reached through my Legion email at rclpres176@gmail.com

Veterans Help Line 1-855-373-8387

VAC Mental Health Professional 1-800-268-7708 family hotline 1-800-866-4546

Suicide Prevention 1-833-456-4566 or 911

Combat Stress helpline for military members 1-800-323-4444

This is not only for the Veterans but for their families to reach out, do not struggle alone in silence.

“They shall not grow old as we grow old: Age shall not condemn, As the going down of the sun and in the morning We Shall Remember Them.”  Laurence Binyon 1914

In Comradeship,

Kelvin Kuzyk CD


Morinville Legion Branch 176