PSA: Town hosting Intersection Planning Open House on Oct. 26

Opportunity for residents to review planning options and provide input

submitted by Town of Morinville

Approved as part of the 2022 Budget, the Town of Morinville is in the process of initial intersection planning for the following capital projects:  

• Cardiff Road and 100 Street – Intersection Planning

• Grandin and 100 Avenue – Intersection Planning

 Both intersections are currently operated as all-way stops and have been identified as needing upgrades in the near future.

The intersection planning project consists of reviewing background conditions, assessing future growth forecasts, conducting public engagement, presenting preliminary designs and obtaining regulatory requirements. We are using this opportunity to assess what can be done to improve these intersections with the goal of accommodating increased traffic and providing better service and safety for residents.

The Town, in partnership with ISL Engineering, has identified traffic signal and roundabout options for each intersection noted above. Please join us on Wednesday, October 26, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre for an Intersection Planning Open House to learn more about these options. Opportunities will be provided for residents to provide input and ask questions.

Following the Open House, we are encouraging residents to share their thoughts by taking the Intersection Planning Survey, available starting October 26 by visiting our online public engagement platform at

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1 Comment

  1. What is so hard about putting up traffic lights? Roundabout? You think you have problems now, go to the city and see how many drivers have no clue on how to enter and exit! I don’t know why everything the municipal government gets involved in turns into a total disaster, meetings, forums, study’s, looking under rocks, staring at the moon, asking their dogs opinion. Just get it done ffs.

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