Editorial: Leisure Centre’s potential is more than just hockey and pickleball

The recent provincial cheerleading competition hosted by the Morinville Community High School (MCHS) is yet another testament to the Morinville Leisure Centre’s potential as a venue for large events. The two-day competition featured elementary, junior high, and high school cheerleading teams from across Alberta, all competing for the top spot. The event drew record attendance and showcased the Centre’s capacity for hosting large-scale events.

The MCHS cheer team put in a bid to host the provincials back in 2019, but due to the pandemic, the event was postponed until this year. Despite the challenges, the team pulled off an incredible feat, finishing in second place in both their competition categories. The event also showcased the skills of other local teams, including the Georges H. Primeau Coyotes and the St. Kateri Tekakwitha Academy Bisons.

The recent cheer event hosted at the Centre drew large crowds and provided valuable opportunities for local businesses to have some additional weekend business.

In addition to sports events, the Morinville Leisure Centre has potential as a venue for non-sports events such as trade shows, auctions, and dinners.

Over the next two weeks, the Centre will host two non-sports events – the Morinville Fish and Game Association dinner and auction and the Morinville and District Chamber of Commerce’s Trade Show. The latter will run concurrently with the Town of Morinville’s Active Living Fair.

These events not only bring in revenue for the groups involved and rental revenue for the Town, but they also provide opportunities for residents to participate in and enjoy various activities.

The Centre’s ability to host significant events is a testament to its potential as a community hub and resource for the Town of Morinville and the region. The key will be marketing it as such.