photos by Lucie Roy
The Sturgeon County Volunteer Appreciation Celebration was held Wednesday night at the Morinville Community Cultural Center.
The event featured information on some of the 40 community organizations on a PowerPoint with photos they submitted along with their accomplishments, plans and projects for the upcoming year.
Sturgeon County Family & Community Support Services Manager Tim Osborne was emcee for the event, with a thank you to all volunteers from Mayor Alanna Hnatiw and CAO Reegan McCullough.
Neighbourhood Development Coordinator Chantal Firmaniuk, with members of the Youth Leadership Group presented the Building Blocks of the Community Award to Sherri Demerais and Constable Simon Lajoie.
The entertainment for the event was presented by the students and one teacher of Morinville Community High School (MCHS).
The Light Refreshments were prepared by the students in the Culinary Arts Program at MCHS.
MCHS performers included teacher Jordan Weeres and students Angele St. Laurent. Nate Boulanger, Dalice Brown, Avry Thompson and Sofiya Chvojka.
Chantal Firmaniuk with members of the Youth Leadership Group and two award recipients.
Riviere Qui Barre Rockers Senior Society- Ed and Laraine Bourque. They are a small group with a big heart. They provide a place for seniors to gather, play games. One member works with wood, making and donating game boards to the group. Another is a musician who guides them in sing-alongs. Each person contributes in her or his own way, whether supplying coffee, baking and ideas at a meeting or organizing movie nights. They meet with other seniors in Mearns, Morinville, Villeneuve for group activities such as floor curling.
Members of the Morinville Seniors Rendez Vous Club.
Namao Senior Citizen Museum & Archive Society
St. Albert Bereavement who serve areas in the surrounding community
Ursula Schnelle and John Dowler- Cardiff Community Association
Villeneuve Happy Sixties Club.
Gibbons Twilight Club
Mayor Hnatiw
Tim Osborne, Manager Family & Community Support Services
CAO Reegan McCullough
Dalice Brown.
Nate Boulanger.
Sofiya Chvojka.
Angele St. Laurent
Jordan Weeres
Avry Thompson