Above and right: Morinville Community Library Assistant Margaret Meetsma shows off Odin, the library’s panther chameleon mascot. – Stephen Dafoe Photo
by Stephen Dafoe
The Morinville Community Library has long chosen the chameleon as its mascot and even incorporated it into its logo.
The library’s previous chameleon mascot was named Thor. After Thor retired from public view, the library stuck with the Norse folklore and named the new chameleon Odin.
Odin is a panther chameleon, scientifically known as furcifer pardalis. They are striking and fascinating reptiles native to the lush rainforests and coastal regions of Madagascar.
The arboreal creature has a slender body structure, with a distinctive casque, or helmet, atop its head. They possess independently rotating eyes, providing a 360-degree field of vision.
Library Assistant Margaret Meetsma said Odin is a pretty cool reptile to have around.
“He is pretty amazing because he really likes people,” Meetsma said. “If you come by the library, you’ll probably usually see him sitting right by the glass doors [of his terrarium] and pawing on the doors, hoping that you’ll be taking him out.”
While library staff are happy to handle the chameleon for patrons to see, they cannot allow patrons to hold the lizard. “If we had people all touching him, he would probably get sick,” Mettsma explained.
Young patrons often ask if Odin changes colours like Pascal from the movie Tangled. Although the lizard may get a little lighter or darker in tone, Meetsma said he does not change colours as some chameleons do.

Panther chameleons showcase striking hues, ranging from fiery reds, oranges, and yellows to vivid blues, greens, and purples. Odin is predominantly green in colour but has some orange on his underbelly.
Meetsma said the panther chameleon eats a diet of between 10 and 20 crickets per day, but his favourite food is horned caterpillars.
The panther chameleon possesses an incredible tongue characterized by its extraordinary length and lightning-fast speed.
When hunting for prey, this chameleon can extend its tongue with remarkable precision and strike its target in a fraction of a second, capturing insects with impressive accuracy.
Odin can be found in the library near the front desk.