Morinville Council Briefs

by Colin Smith

Growth Management Study

Over the next 40 years, the population of Morinville will likely increase by 17,000 to 21,000 people, and it has the capacity to grow even more.

A growth management study for 2024-2064 indicates that within its currently approved area structure plans, the town can grow past 23,000 residents and, with regional servicing capacity, can go on to 30,000 without requiring additional upgrades and within its current boundaries.

The commissioned report from ISL Engineering and Metroeconomics was presented to council at its regular meeting Tuesday, May 14, by T.J. Auer, Planning and Economic Development Manager. The report also looked at the possible impact on development of Morinville moving to city status.

Among those could be taking control of Highway 642 (100 Avenue) and the subdivision and development along it.

Council voted to receive the report as information.

BUDGET KICKOFF Shows Potential 6.57% tax increase for 2025

Work on Morinville’s 2025 budget has kicked off.

Administration began development of the 2025-2027 budget on May 6, following pre-budget planning preparation in March and April. Public engagement will take place next month with budget development to continue through the summer.

Council will hold a full-day budget session on September 8, to be followed by the introduction of a first draft on September 21 and a budget open house on October 8. Budget deliberations take place on October 15, with a tentative November date for its adoption.

The timeline was set in the 2025 Budget Kickoff report provided to council by Financial Services Manager Travis Nosko.

In the report, he also outlined some of the issues in developing the budget.

These include legislation recently introduced by the provincial government that could affect municipalities financially. Bill 18 would give the province oversight over federal agreements with municipalities, including grants. Use of vote tabulation machines in municipal elections would be banned by Bill 20, potentially leading to higher costs for manual counting. The bill also gives full exemption from property taxes for non-profit affordable housing.

Other issues include RCMP contract costs, reduced but continuing inflation, increasing social issues and organizational risks.

Nosko said preliminary estimates for the 2025 budget include a tax rate increase of 6.57%, but this will be updated for the budget process, including an estimate of any 2024 surpluses.


Snow started to fall in the first week of December last year and fell intermittently until the end of March, but never reached the compacted depth that would prompt clearing of residential streets.

Along with the snow conditions of the past season, Chris Longoz, Operations Supervisor of Infrastructure Services, informed council about some of the department’s snow clearance achievements and challenges.

There were 95 floods of the outdoor rink, using 62 equipment hours.

After suggestions were solicited from the public, two snow hauling trucks were given names: Snowtorious B.I.G. and Taylor Drift.

Concerns of Morinville residents included icy conditions, drifting snow and ponding after melting.

Longoz said the supply of snow haulers will be a challenge in the coming years, as the number of local haulers is shrinking and other surrounding municipalities are paying higher rates for the work. This could have an impact on the town’s ability to deal with major snow events.


A Morinville property is to be redistricted to ensure its current use conforms to the Land Use Bylaw (LUB).

At its regular meeting Tuesday Council approved first reading of a bylaw that amends the LUB to deal with a non-conforming structure on the site at Plan 1224688, Block 1, LOT 9, which is zoned for a single detached home but is occupied by a multiple residence.

The amendment bylaw redistricts the property from Single Detached Residential (R-1A) District to Medium Density Residential (R-3).

A public hearing on the bylaw will take place in accordance with the Municipal Government Act.


Saturday, May 25 is the date for a new community event taking place in Morinville — the 2024 Developers Block Party.

Featuring free food, family games, and prize giveaways, individual block parties will be held in the communities of Westwinds, Juniper Heights, and Meadows of Morinville. This is a joint effort of town departments and developers of those areas.

The event coincides with the annual Town-Wide Garage Sale, and Sonic 102.9 will be live on location at the Morinville Community Cultural Centre (MCCC).