Alberta RCMP provides traffic safety tips for a safe return to school

by Staff

With school back in session, Alberta RCMP are suggesting now is the time to brush up on some safety tips for students, parents, and drivers.

“September is a busy time for all, as students and parents get back into their usual routines. Giving ourselves a little more time for our morning and afternoon commutes can make for a safer commute for all,” said Sgt. Darrin Turnbull, Alberta RCMP Traffic, in a media release on Tuesday.

RCMP offer the following tips:

Parents/guardians and students:

  • Brightly coloured clothing can help make your child visible to motorists during dim mornings or when weather limits visibility. Rain, snow, fog and darkness may obscure the vision of motorists, making pedestrians difficult to see.
  • Teach your child to look in all directions before crossing the street, only cross at crosswalks, and always make eye contact with drivers before stepping out onto the road.
  • Instruct your child never to run after a school bus in an effort to catch it as neither the bus driver nor other motorists may see them on the road.
  • Show your child a safe route to walk/bike to school. Make sure to walk the route with them at least once to point out any hazards and show them how to properly use a crosswalk and obey traffic control devices.
  • If using a school bus, ensure your child is aware of the traffic hazards which may be present near the bus stop. Show them a safe place where they may wait to catch the bus.
  • If meeting your child at the bus stop after school, always wait at the actual bus stop, not just nearby. Children may forget traffic safety rules in their excitement to see you after their school day and run over to you without paying attention.
  • Texting or listening to music with headphones while walking can be dangerous. It’s easy for children to get distracted by devices and step out into traffic without paying attention to motorists.


  • Pay extra attention for children walking to school as you pull out or back out of your garage or driveway.
  • Be mindful that it may be difficult to see pedestrians during dim mornings or dark evenings.
  • Remember, it is illegal to pass a school bus when it’s lights are flashing red. Drivers on both sides of the road must remain stopped until the flashing red lights are turned off.
  • Slow down in school zones and be particularly alert for students during school hours, especially when dropping off and picking up children from school.
  • Don’t assume pedestrians see you. Always make eye contact before turning to ensure everyone is aware of one another. Children especially can become easily distracted and do not always understand the rules of the road.

For more traffic safety information, follow us on Facebook @RCMPinAlberta and on X @RCMPAlberta.

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