by MorinvilleNews.com Staff
The RCMP in Alberta’s Facebook page recently posted a video reel on back-to-school safety at crosswalks, which has garnered more than a million views as of Monday night.
“The video includes a lighthearted message reminding youths to use crosswalks as they return to school,” said Morinville RCMP Staff Sergeant Darcy McGunigal in an email Monday afternoon. “Since being posted three days ago, the video has gone viral with over 1.1 million views on Facebook.”
Using the “very demure, very mindful” trend popular on TikTok, two officers demonstrate the correct and incorrect way to cross at a crosswalk, with one officer crossing between the lines and the other jaywalking.
McGunigal went on to say the video, shot in Morinville, features two local RCMP members, Constable Tanner Wills and Constable Simon Lajoie, the Detachment’s current and former School Resource Officers, respectively.

“We are very proud of the efforts from these two and from all of their fellow officers at the Morinville Detachment for proactively engaging with local youths as they enter the new school year,” McGunical said.
The video can be viewed on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/share/r/twHm6RnEqHi5RmeQ/?mibextid=WC7FNe