Alberta RCMP issues 1,933 tickets over National Safe Driving Week

Submitted by Alberta RCMP

From Dec. 1-7, the Alberta RCMP, along with police forces across the country, participated in National Safe Driving Week. Officer were also out on Dec. 7, National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day, working together with partner law enforcement agencies to remove impaired drivers from the province’s roadways.

During National Safe Driving Week, Alberta RCMP officers issued 1,933 tickets. Of the tickets issued, 18 were for careless driving, 18 were for distracted driving, and 642 tickets were issued for speeding. One ticket issued was for an individual driving 80 km/hr over the posted speed limit.

Over the course of the week, the Alberta RCMP also issued a total of 159 Immediate Roadside Sanctions (IRS) for impaired driving.  Officers removed 54 impaired drivers from the roads on National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day alone.

On National Impaired Driving Enforcement Day, the Alberta RCMP worked with partners across the province by setting up check stops to preform mandatory alcohol screenings.

“December is a time for celebration,” said Sgt. Darin Turnbull, Alberta RCMP Traffic. “Many Albertans will be traveling across the province to see their friend and families. No matter what your holiday plans are, always be mindful of traffic safety. Saving a few minutes is not worth the risk.”

The Alberta RCMP would like to remind drivers that traffic safety is everyone’s responsibility and that it is never safe to drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

For more traffic safety information, please follow us on Facebook @RCMPinAlberta and Twitter @RCMPAlberta.