Morinville Council Briefs

By Colin Smith

Here is an overview of other items on the Dec. 10 regular meeting of Council, their last for 2024.

T2 Strategic Plan Progress Report 2024

The year will conclude with a financial surplus for Morinville according to the T2 Strategic Plan Progress Report 2024 presented by Interim CAO Michelle Hay to council at its regular meeting Tuesday, Dec. 10

Hay stated in her report that both revenues and expenses include positive variances,  ending in a total favourable variance of $3.18M.

Revenue variances are driven by higher than budgeted user fees and charges, while expense variances are driven by lower contracted service and salary/benefit expenses.

The surplus will be allocated toward future capital expenditures and re-establishment of an operating reserve, Hay stated. She added that variances will normalize over the remainder of the year.

The report indicates that the council budget has a positive variance of $56,245 to the end of August 2024, including honorariums, per diem expenses and professional development expenses.

Meadows of Morinville

Efforts are underway to address pedestrian safety issues identified in the Meadows of Morinville neighbourhood.

A motion by Councillor Maurice St. Denis was one of two dealing with the issue that were passed by council at its last regular meeting of 2024.

The motion directed administration to meet up with Meadows of Morinville property owners regarding the next steps, including crosswalk considerations, streetlight additions and stop sign relocation.

A further motion by Councillor Scott Richardson called on administration to bring forward costs for a temporary and a permanent solution for a crosswalk at 100 Street and Meadows Drive to a council meeting in February.

Pet Bylaw

The bylaw controlling cats, dogs and other animals in Morinville is coming up for review.

Council has passed a motion moved by Councillor Stephen Dafoe that directs administration to bring the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw back early next year for review and possible amendments.

Dafoe’s original motion had focused on the fees set out in the bylaw, but he broadened its scope after realizing it hadn’t been reviewed in the eight years since it was passed.

“I think we should look at the entire thing,” he said. “It’s a good idea to look at policies before nine years, but we didn’t, so this is our opportunity to do it.”

Elections Bylaw

Morinville has a new election bylaw.

The bylaw passed following the second and third reading by council on Tuesday, Dec. 10.

The existing bylaw needed revisions to ensure that the town’s procedures are in line with changes to the Local Authorities Election Act recently made by the provincial government.

Those changes include a prohibition on automated voting systems, including tabulators, which means that ballots will need to be counted manually.

The use of drop boxes for collecting special ballots is prohibited. Special ballots must now be received directly by the Returning Officer or Substitute Returning Officer.

The revised act enabled council to require criminal record checks for candidates for office, increase the number of signatures required for nomination and move election day to Saturday, but none of these measures were included in the revised bylaw.

Snow on 642

Snow maintenance services for Highway 642 within Morinville’s boundaries, from Highway 2 to Boundary Road, are now being done by Ledcor, under contract to ATEC.

Ledcor service guidelines, in accordance with its contract, will provide challenges to the town, as outlined in a report to council.

The contractor will perform a single pass through Morinville, clearing and pushing snow to the curb edge with snowplows, but would remove the snow from the Highway 642 corridor not immediately but at their discretion.

According to the report, “the accumulation of snow at the curb edge, particularly when combined with snow pushed by businesses, will create a windrow, potentially and likely obstructing parking and pedestrian access to adjacent walkways. Additionally, during freeze-thaw cycles, the windrows could impede drainage, leading to the formation of ice dams and creating safety hazards for pedestrians.”

Administration is now in discussions with Ledcor about a cost-sharing agreement in which Morinville would remove the snow after it is bladed from the driving lanes into the parking lane.

Council accepted the Highway 642 Snow Maintenance report as information.

Notice of Motion

Councillor Stephen Dafoe gave notice that at the January 14. 2025 meeting of council he will make a motion regarding the town’s Enforcement Services.

The motion reads:

“That council direct administration to review and return to council with a report on Enforcement Services and its enforcement of community bylaws. The report should:

  1. Examine the current complaint-driven process compared to any proactive enforcement work being undertaken.
  2. Provide suggestions for improvements to the existing processes.
  3. Offer recommendations for potential enhancements to the program.”