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Local News

Morinville’s municipal census critical to tax payers

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Almost a month after the online component of Morinville’s latest municipal census concluded, there are still a number of households yet to be counted. Those uncounted residents are critical to Morinville’s receiving grant monies between now and when data from the federal census is revealed in two years’ time… […]

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Morinville News

Cardiff Corner discussion rescheduled

By Staff

Morinville – Almost a month after it was originally scheduled, a public meeting to discuss the treacherous Cardiff Corner / Highway 2 intersection is set to take place early next week. Originally set for May 16, the event was abruptly cancelled when Slave Lake was hit by devastating wildfire the night before. The Town of Morinville has announced the meeting will now take place June 13 at 2 p.m. in council chambers, and are inviting everyone to come to the public discussion… […]

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Local News

Monday Morning News – June 6

The June 6 edition of Monday Morning News hits store shelves and restaurant counters Monday morning. This week’s edition is 28 pages of Morinville news and views. This week’s issue contains the following news stories… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Editorial: Survey results first step in community moving forward

Strutting across the stage like a chicken on ecstasy, Mick Jagger once sang about how we are not always able to get what we want, but how if we tried hard and persevered, we might get what we needed. Of course the preceding is nowhere close to actual song lyrics, but it does keep us from a run in with copyright folks… […]

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Local News

Morinville Plaza Hotel and Suites open for business

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Morinville has had a long history of hotels. The Alberta Hotel, demolished in the early 1970s, gave way to the Frontiersman which was built at the same location. But over the past decade, the hotel had been given over to low cost monthly accommodations, the rest of the building all but abandoned. The restaurant vacant, the banquet room empty but to the memories of gallant evenings that had long since passed… […]

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Local News

Reader suggests name for new Morinville school

Dear Editor:

June 2, 2011 marked a new chapter in the History of Morinville. Public education free of faith-based bias and permeation will be available to the public at large for the first time within the town in September.

I do not know if one can “name” a school consisting of modular classrooms, but I would like to put forward… […]

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Morinville News

Secular education coming to Morinville in September

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – On the very day when 5,000 students, teachers and parents gathered in St. Albert for an outdoor Mass hosted by Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Division (GSACRD) schools, Morinville parents who have been fighting for a non-faith-based education for their children finally got the results of a survey that showed just how many likeminded families there were in Morinville…. […]

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Local Sports

Wolves head to track provincials this weekend

By Terry Maslyk

Morinville – It has been a few years since the Wolves dominated the track scene in North Central action, but the 2011 MCHS track team has brought the zone banner back to MCHS to hang proudly in the rafters. It truly was a team effort with excellent individual performances and a strong showing in the team relays that capped off a close win over our rivals from RF Staples-Westlock and Barrhead… […]

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Local News

GSACRD to hold outdoor mass in honour of St. Albert’s 150th anniversary

By Staff

Morinville – Greater St. Albert Catholic Schools will celebrate an outdoor mass Thursday morning to commemorate the 150th anniversary of St. Albert Catholic Church and the City of St. Albert. Staff and students from across the school division will gather for the celebration along with parents, community members and special guests… […]

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Local News

GSACRD survey results to be revealed Thursday

By Staff

Morinville – After contracting Pivotal Research Inc. to conduct a survey of Morinville parents on the desire for a secular program in Morinville, the results are about to be revealed. The Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Division (GSACRD) will be holding an info session at the Morinville Community High School Thursday night at 7 p.m. to discuss future education options in the community… […]

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Local News

Library looking to make a splash with summer reading program

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – Although it’s still a month away, the Morinville Public Library is taking registrations for their summer reading program. Running July 4 to Aug. 19, the program offers something fun for children aged 2 to 12 with some special surprises along the way… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Letter: Rock concert less a problem than implied

Dear Editor:

After Art of Conversation Morinville held the all candidates debate last fall, I invited all members of council and any member of the community who was concerned to talk to me personally about the expected impact about noise from the cultural centre shows. My back ground is that I own a commercial recording studio and am extremely well versed in how decibel levels work, how sound transmits… […]

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Local Sports

Sturgeon teachers pitch in for mental health

By Staff

Morinville – They’ve donned superhero costumes to play dodge ball, put on silly hats of all sorts to parade the halls of Namao School during a school day, but May 27 was an opportunity for Sturgeon School Division teachers and their guests to get together for something a little less flamboyant – a night of softball… […]