Letter: Adopt-a-Family Christmas program underway
Dear Editor and Residents of Morinville, Here at Adopt A Family, we’ve been busy behind the scenes, planning for an […]
Dear Editor and Residents of Morinville, Here at Adopt A Family, we’ve been busy behind the scenes, planning for an […]
Morinville’s Marvelous Moms (MMMs) Adopt a Family founder Sarah Hall was a guest speaker at the Morinville & District Chamber of Commerce Luncheon held Wednesday at the MCCC.
What began as a way for a couple of local mothers to connect over coffee and over the Internet has expanded to a network of hundreds of Morinville and area moms who are once again uniting for a noble purpose – making sure no family is left behind this Christmas season. The marvellous idea reinforces the group’s self-chosen name – Morinville Marvelous Moms. […]
Jandel Homes’ Meadows of Morinville community hosted a Fill a House Cocktail Reception and Silent Auction Monday night in aid of the Morinville Marvelous Moms’ Adopt-a-Family Program.
It’s only 304 days until Christmas, but a local social media group and a local company are already thinking about the effects the economy will have on local families during the holidays.
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