Morinville wins AUMA’s Dedicated Senior Team Award
The Town of Morinville’s Senior Leadership Team was recently announced by the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) as the recipient of the 2020 Dedicated Senior Team Award.
The Town of Morinville’s Senior Leadership Team was recently announced by the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) as the recipient of the 2020 Dedicated Senior Team Award.
With cannabis legalization taking place Oct. 17, the Government of Alberta says it is confident the province is ready after 18 months of preparation. The government believes its system keeps cannabis out of the hands of children, keeps profits away from criminals, and protects Albertans on roadways, workplaces and in public spaces.
For months now, we have been following with interest, concern, and consternation the debate between Alberta and B.C. about the Trans Mountain pipeline. We have heard much about how the project will benefit residents of Alberta, of B.C., of Canadians overall. […]
Morinville is a signatory in a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA). […]
While significant scrutiny goes with the territory for elected officials, and rightfully so because public officials are deemed “public property” in some sense, public support may also accompany scrutiny. Enter the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association. […]
Council passed a motion regarding a resolution being proposed by the Town of Whitecourt and Strathcona County to support the Northern Gateway Pipeline Project at the upcoming Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) Convention in early October. […]
You, and anyone who has read my previous letters are quite aware of my personal feelings concerning your leadership skills. Unfortunately, recent assertions attributed to you on a number of issues have only served to confirm my opinion. […]
Th Alberta Urban Municipalities Association is calling on other municipal associations across the province to join the AUMA in showing support for the Energy East Pipeline.
AUMA President Mayor Lisa Holmes will be speaking on the topic at the AUMA’s Annual Mayors’ Caucus Mar. 9 in Edmonton.
The AUMA Board is pleased to announce that Sue Bohaichuk has accepted the position of Chief Executive Officer, effective January 1, 2016. […]
Morinville Mayor Lisa Holmes will be the next president of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA). The AUMA is made up of elected officials from urban municipalities including cities, towns, villages, summer villages and specialized municipalities. The group advocates the interests of members to the provincial and federal governments as well as other stakeholders. […]
Edmonton – Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) members were pleased to hear Premier Redford announce this morning her commitment to striking the Premier’s Council by September 2014. Members of the AUMA Board met earlier today with the Premier to discuss issues and how to move forward…. […]
by Ashley Janes
Morinville – Mayor Lisa Holmes was elected to the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (AUMA) for a two-year term as Director of Towns East during the 2013 Convention and Annual General Meeting held in Calgary Nov. 19 t- 22. “As the Director of Towns East, I will represent 35 Towns on the AUMA Board of Directors. These include Towns East of Highway 2 and North of Innisfail,” Holmes said… […]
By Morinville News Staff
Edmonton – This year’s Alberta Urban Municipalities Association convention got off to a pleasant start for two Morinville Council members. At Tuesday night’s President’s Dinner Councillors Lisa Holmes and David Pattison were given their Elected Officials Education Program (EOEP) certificates… […]
By Stephen Dafoe
Morinville – With nominations for the upcoming bi-election closing Aug. 23, there is little time for would-be candidates to decide to run or to learn in detail what the job entails. The Alberta Urban Municipalities Association’s (AUMA) Women in Municipal Government Committee will be doing their part to educate by holding an information session at the Morinville Community Library Aug. 19 from 2 to 4 p.m… […]
By Legal Councillor Phil Hughes
This Year the AUMA convention was held in Edmonton at the Shaw convention centre.
The AUMA gives elected officials in Alberta a chance to network, learn about programs available for their community, provide toolkits and resources to better their communities and allows them an opportunity… […]
By Stephen Dafoe
Legal – Council Chambers played home to a sometimes heated exchange between Legal Council and Legal residents Jeannie and Dan Charrois. At issue was the approximate $7,650 being spent to send the whole of council and some administrative staff to the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association conference and trade show in Edmonton later this month.
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