
Column: Joe Morinville

Since the owner of this rag decided to go off to a political convention for a week, he told me I’d better put together some of my great wisdom for the paper. Now that the good weather is here, I ain’t felt much like writing my thoughts down on account of I’m enjoying tinkering with the old car and figuring new ways to keep the cats out of the missus’ garden so I don’t go to listen to her hollering about the neighbourhood cats going poo in the pansies. […]

Local News

New version of Animal Control Bylaw passes First Reading

Council has unanimously passed First Reading to the new Animal Control Bylaw, following some tweaks and changes. The new Bylaw, named the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw, makes significant changes to pet ownership in Morinville. Community Peace Officer William Norton, who was on hand at the meeting to take questions from Council, developed the new Bylaw based on input from the failed Animal Control Bylaw brought to Council late last year. […]

Local News

Morinville to consider backyard chickens

Will the chickens come home to roost in Morinville?

That’s what Amy Taylor would like to see.

Taylor is hoping a new animal control bylaw being considered by Town Council will authorize Morinville residents to raise chickens in their backyards. […]

Local News

Morinville Council briefs

Council held their second regular meeting of the month Oct. 27. Here are some briefs from that meeting. Absent were Councillor Rob Ladouceur and Mayor Lisa Holmes. […]