National Column: Government betting that Canadians’ dreams include deficits
Welcome to the era of deficits and dreams.
Some of the dreams are deferred, but the deficits seem cast in stone. […]
Welcome to the era of deficits and dreams.
Some of the dreams are deferred, but the deficits seem cast in stone. […]
Albertans are being given the opportunity ahead of the Apr. 14 budget to share their ideas and priorities about the economy and the budget with Premier Rachel Notley and Finance Minister Joe Ceci. […]
It was merely a matter of time before someone in Justin Trudeau’s picture-perfect, properly balanced cabinet – a collection of the celebrated, the cerebral and the politically untested – was going to have to show their mettle with their finger stuck in a light socket. […]
It seemed like a political master stroke last July when Justin Trudeau and his inner circle decided to turn political convention upside down and run “modest” budget deficits.
The pledge helped Trudeau break from the pack and in hindsight it was not only a smart political move but a prudent fiscal decision. […]
Council has unanimously passed second and third reading of Budget 2016 after making hundreds of thousands worth of cuts and a few additions to the budget. The budget as passed would represent approximately a 3 per cent tax increase for Morinville property owners, but 2016 tax rates will not be set until spring. […]
Free-range cats and backyard chicken debates… valid issues sure to bring a fair share of opinion on both sides… a bike tour report, a seemingly endless list of by-law updates. […]
Council has voted to postpone the second reading of the 2016 Operational Budget after much debate. The vote was nearly unanimous, with only Deputy Mayor Rob Ladouceur voting against the motion to delay Second Reading. […]
Council unanimously approved First Reading of the 2016 Operating Budget Nov. 10. The budget sees a $968,350 deficit and predicts two more deficits for 2017 and 2018. At the same time, ratepayers could see a 3 per cent tax hike next spring. […]
David Schaefer, Director of Community and Protective Services talks about the 2016 budget with Morinville resident Kareen Tucci and Mayor Lisa Holmes. Administrative staff joined Mayor Holmes and Councillors Nicole Boutestein, Stephen Dafoe, Brennan FitzGerald, and Barry Turner at the open house Thursday night. Councillors Gord Putnam and Rob Ladouceur were absent. […]
Alberta’s NDP government swore in a change of cabinet Thursday ahead of Tuesday’s provincial budget.
Minister of Municipal Affairs and Minister of Service Alberta Darren Bilous will now serve the province as Minister of Economic Development and Trade. He will also chair a Cabinet committee tasked with guiding the Municipal Government Act (MGA) review process. […]
Town approves AltaGas Franchise Agreement
Town to put emergency sirens in budget for debate
Town approves citizen software for budget talks
Town defers south entrance sign […]
by Tristan Turner Roughly a month after Council accepted the 2015 Operational Budget and Capital Plan Draft Report for information, […]
by Calli Stromner
Morinville – Two nights of public consultation resulted in a clear message that Morinville wants the Ray McDonald Sports Arena issue to be resolved…and quickly. A total of about 60 Morinville residents came out to two 2014 Budget Open Houses Feb 18 and 19. Town staff and Council members were on hand for both evenings to answer questions about the budget process and provided information on several programs and services run by the town… […]
By Stephen Dafoe
Edmonton – Doug Horner, Alberta’s Finance Minister, tabled the 2013-2014 provincial budget Thursday afternoon in the Legislative Assembly. That budget, which Horner described as a watershed moment, projects a $2-billion deficit and plans to borrow $4.3 billion for capital project spending during the fiscal year.
“This has been a highly anticipated budget, probably the most anticipated one in some time,” Horner said, adding the government had some tough choices to make. “We are facing a number of sizeable challenges… […]
By Stephen Dafoe
Morinville – A leaner 2013 budget passed second reading Nov. 27. After more than two hours of discussion and debate that shaved $300,000 off the $14.6 million budget, Council voted unanimously for second reading. Council will have at least two weeks to ponder further cuts before giving the document third and final reading.
Council gave first reading to the 2013 budget Oct. 23. As laid down at first reading Budget 2013 consisted of an $11 million operating budget combined with a proposed $3.6 million in capital projects. At that time, Chief Financial Officer Andy Isbister said ratepayers… […]
By Stephen Dafoe
Morinville – Council Chambers were opened Tuesday night for the first of two budget open house sessions this week. Six residents joined Town staff to look at outlines of projects, hear a presentation on how tax money is collected and spent, and express their viewpoint on the validity of projects by spending a handful of play money on projects they deemed worthy. The process will be repeated during another open house Thursday night, after which the dollars will be tabulated as input on how money should be spent… […]
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