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Editorial & Opinion

Editorial: Survey results first step in community moving forward

Strutting across the stage like a chicken on ecstasy, Mick Jagger once sang about how we are not always able to get what we want, but how if we tried hard and persevered, we might get what we needed. Of course the preceding is nowhere close to actual song lyrics, but it does keep us from a run in with copyright folks… […]

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Local News

Catholic public school motion defeated by council

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – The Catholic public school debate came before Morinville Town Council again Tuesday night, this time in the form of a motion from Councillor Lisa Holmes. Although a topic of discussion in the streets of Morinville for several months, the matter first came before council two weeks ago when Donna Hunter, spokesperson for the group of local parents seeking a secular education for their children in Morinville’s public schools, made her case to council. Council’s reaction at that time was one of silence. Neither comment nor question was made to the delegation… […]

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Editorial & Opinion

Editorial: Religion, rights and common sense

A editorial

Never discuss religion, politics or sex – three topics to be avoided if one has an ounce of common sense. At least that was the wisdom of years gone by, wisdom largely ignored by newspapers even back in the day when large cumbersome print publications were viable concerns. It is wisdom ignored even more so in today’s publishing reality where newspaper stalwarts of years gone by have been forced to put celebrities and political scandals on their front pages to attract a younger demographic and dirt-craving public… […]