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Local News

Province to hold faith census re Morinville secular school issue

By Stephen Dafoe

Morinville – With Morinville students back in their respective schools, both Catholic and secular, Alberta Education announced Tuesday morning it will take the next step in finding a long-term solution to the Greater St. Albert Catholic Regional Division (GSACRD) secular education issue.

The province will spend $125,000 to conduct a census of St. Albert, Morinville, Legal and parts of Sturgeon County to determine whether Catholics or Protestants are the minority faith among electors in the four areas being covered by the census… […]

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Schools and youth

More inclusive education system on the horizon

By Staff
Alberta students with special education needs will soon find a more inclusive education system. The province announced Friday it will begin providing improved learning and teaching resources, more professional development for teachers and educational assistants, and begin developing a regional service delivery model to support all students.

The initiatives are the province’s response to 12 recommendations contained in the Setting the Direction Framework put forth by Alberta Education. […]